Texas Woman’s University University Advancement 1605 N. Bell Ave. Denton, TX 76204 Scan with your smartphone camera to view the digital edition. UPCOMING EVENTS THE CAMPAIGN FOR TEXAS WOMAN’S UNIVERSITY June 9 LUBBOCK, TX THIS IS OUR MOMENT TO SHAPE THE UNIVERSITY’S FUTURE and to magnify the impact it has made for nearly 125 years — this is our moment to Dream Big. In honor of the university’s 125th anniversary in 2026, we have launched a 5 million comprehensive campaign, the first in TWU’s history. This effort will carry our purpose — educate a woman, empower the world — forward for decades to come. June 23 COLORADO SPRINGS, CO
Texas Woman's University
304 Administration Dr.
Denton, TX 76204
© 2021 Texas Woman's University